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I-275 from N of I-4 to N of Hillsborough Ave (Section 7)

I-275 from N of I-4 to N of Hillsborough Ave (Section 7), Tampa, FL, $85M

Serving as a subconsultant to Consor Engineers, Ozmatic is providing a Senior Project Engineer and Field Inspector on this $85M widening project. I-275 is classified as an urban principal arterial interstate and is a Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) corridor. The existing typical section for I-275 is a six-lane divided facility with a design speed of 60 mph, however along the corridor the typical section varies with additional auxiliary lanes. The proposed improvements include widening to four 12-foot travel lanes, a 12-foot inside shoulder, and a 15-foot outside shoulder in each direction of travel. Bridge widenings occur at Floribraska Ave, Lake Ave, MLK Blvd, Chelsea St, Osborne Ave, and Hillsborough Ave. The corridor will see all new overhead and cantilever sign structures, extensive drainage improvements, widened ramps, and 8' and 14' noise wall which will be a welcome sight by the surrounding neighborhoods.

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